Topgun’s culture is based on goodness, life enjoyment and devotion to work. For a start, we recruit only the professionals with a good heart and encourage our team to join interesting training courses. The happy and enthusiastic workplace environment is also created to make everyone in the company able to work at their best.


The philosophy “You can judge a man from his work” describes our belief that those who work hard will always have opportunities for progression and success. Our employees devote themselves to their work, seeking to grow along with the company and the world at large. By 2011, we will be one of the world’s top companies.


At Topgun, we hold a strong belief that one should always learn new things through sports, hobbies and other activities. Engaging in these activities will not only make one happy, but also extend one’s vision through new knowledge, new abilities to solve problem and opportunities to improve oneself intellectually and emotionally. We believe that those who strive only for the best in life will also strive for the best in their career.